Brazilianite semiprecious gemstone index and mineral information

A gemstone named after the country of Brazil, in which deposits were discovered for the first time in 1944. Presently, deposits are found in Minas Gerais in Brazil. At first it was incorrectly thought of as a chrysoberyl. Brazilianite is a sodium aluminum phosphate hydroxide.

Brazilianite is a rare and beautiful crystal, much priced by jewelers and collectors. It has an astonishing yellowish-green color. It forms in granitic pegmatites, associated with tourmaline and apatite. It is brittle and fragile and chips easily, breaking along the direction of cleavage. It is cut only for collectors. Although it is difficult to cut, brazilianite has been faceted as cushion, baguette, pendeloque, brilliant, and oblong step-cut gems.

As its name implies, it is mainly found near Conselheiro Peno and Linopolis, Minas Gerais, Brazil. In 1947, it was also found in the United States in the state of New Hampshire at the G. H. Smith Mine in Newport and the Palermo Mine in Groton.

Brazilianite is often confused with amblygonite, apatite, chrysoberyl, precious beryl, and topaz.

Mohs’ Hardness: 5.5



